2016年5月10日 星期二

What are the characteristics of a bad software engineer? / 邁向頂尖開發者的道路上,你該避免成為下列十種討厭鬼



Nachiket Naik:
1) The Stack Overflow bot: This person ran into an error, did a quick Google search and applied the first solution they found. The problem here is not that of copying from Stack Overflow. I think there are more solutions on Stack Overflow than any reference guide or manual. Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful resource, if not the best. The problem is the robotic application of it without understanding the consequences. The problem is the application of it without fully understanding the context of it and whether it really applies to the current problem at hand. More often than not, I have seen people believe more of what they see on online forums than the code/system in front of them.

2) The I-am-not-a-tester: I don't need to test the code; that is the job of the testers. I don't think that even in this age of mature Agile methodologies, this attitude has waned. There is still an inertia against testing their code. Part of it comes from lacking the interest to set up a testing environment and partly from lack of coherent knowledge of testing. (Is it also partly due to an unspoken stigma against testers in the developer community.)

3) The I-hate-documentation: Some people believe that code documentation must be poetic and hence they lack the skill to do it, ergo not their job. In my opinion, these are the #1 foes of sustainable software. Good software is not software that provides a million cool features. Good software is one that has a few good features that are used consistently by many people and read/updated/modified by a thousand. This brand of developers who believes less in technical communication and precise and detailed documentation is the greatest weed to a company's success.

4) The ugly: My code works, but:

  • I have variables named x, flag, str, arr, etc.
  • Most of what I write is in one giant method.
  • There is no indentation.
  • No consistent coding convention or style.
  • Global variables spewed all over the place, etc.
This is the most annoying thing for me personally. It's not the issue that the code is bad. It could potentially be the greatest piece of code written. But if a diamond necklace is buried in the debris of the Titanic, nobody will find it, and nobody will want to clean it, wear it, use it.

5) The short-term investor: He codes. He deploys. He moves on. No attempt to learn the problem. No interest in the domain. Just give this guy a piece of code, he will slog on it overnight and hand it over. You got a fix/working software. Nothing more achieved from it. Sometimes, it's important that you have certain selfishness in the developer, one who not only cares about the deadline, but also cares about what he/she got to learn from it.

6) The protester: "I didn't do this". "This looks bad". "Not my problem". "This isn't related really to my fix, but someone way over there made a mistake". "I hate this (loop this sentence 10 times a day)", "I can't fix this, get the person who made this code to fix it".
The person who coded that mistake has moved on, when will you?

7) The dictator: My way or the highway is their motto. It's their "ideas" vs "your ideas", not "project ideas". It's their solution vs your solution. I bet there will be an argument for sure. Somehow they will keep coming back to a part of code that you implemented. It somehow discomforts them even if it works, tests, and looks perfectly fine. This person is a big bottleneck to productivity and will be the first person to crumble under pressure and start pointing fingers. This person is not good for the team, however experienced/good a developer he may be.

8) The overcautious: The Java developer who just froze when he learned that he would have to write a Python script. The developer who panicked on learning that something in the registry needs changing. The developer who cringes at having to input things in the database. These people will do anything to avoid getting out of their comfort zone. They have weird superstitions related to having to touch certain parts of the system. I have learned, from personal experience, that this phenomenon is common with new developers. Good developers show a tendency to slowly/swiftly move out of their comfort zone in exploration.

9) The careless: Forgets to take a backup, snapshots, has multiple working directories of code, leaves system out, prints in production code, etc. Again, this is a newbie tendency and gets better with more professional exposure.

10) The lazy pseudo-hacker: They pride themselves at being able to trick the system into working. They find magical solutions to seemingly complex problems. My experience says that 9 out of 10 times, it's just a facade. The hack is bad and will crash sooner or later and will cost much more than having to deal with it, with extra time right now.

EDIT: Please drop in comments. Maybe we could start a new follow-up question as to how a managers/peers/colleagues could handle these cases because almost all of them can be helped to become better. A design pattern of sorts for fixing programmer smells. :-)

軟體吞噬世界,開發者這個職業炙手可熱的程度前所未有,而且只會愈來愈熱門。許多人意識到這股潮流,加入寫程式的行列。不過別看矽谷工程師坐擁高 薪,這可是個強者如雲、充滿挑戰的環境。也因如此,開發者品質的優劣判斷總是在網路上引發熱烈討論。Quora 上就有這麼一道長壽的問題「糟糕的軟體工程師有什麼特徵」,亞馬遜軟體開發工程師 Nachiket Naik 的回答頗為中肯,獲得幾千名網友贊同。邁向頂尖開發者的道路上,你該避免成為下列十種討厭鬼。

1. 只會複製貼上的機器人

程式設計問答網站 Stack Overflow 擁有非常豐碩的資源,很多人寫程式碰壁了就會上去找解答,Stack Overflow 本身並沒有錯,它是工程師的得力助手。但是如果只是複製貼上,改個參數,不去了解前因後果,不去弄懂為何這樣的解法到底是不是真的適用於現在面臨的問題, 那當然很難進步。有不少工程師寧可相信他們在網路論壇看到的說法,而不願意費心思考眼前的程式碼或系統。

2. 懶得測試


3. 不寫文件

有些人覺得程式文件(code documentation)應該如詩一般簡潔美麗,他們沒能力做到這樣,就乾脆不做了。可我認為這樣的心態是軟體開發的頭號公敵。傑出的軟體,不需要有 幾百萬個酷炫的功能,傑出的軟體,應該是要提供幾個讓人「離不開」不斷使用的功能,而且這幾個功能背後有幾千個人閱讀、更新、修正。輕視技術溝通、文件精 確度、忽略細節的開發者,肯定是公司獲得成功最大的絆腳石。

4. 程式寫得很醜

  • 有些變數被命名為 x、flag、str、arr⋯⋯
  • Most of what I write is in one giant method.
  • 忘了縮排
  • 缺乏連貫的程式慣例或風格
  • 把全域變數噴灑得到處都是

5. 只能衝刺而無法跑千里

他寫程式、他部署、他繼續前進,絲毫沒有想要學著解決問題的意願,只要給這傢伙一段程式碼,他就會沒日沒夜奮戰,隔天就交出成果,你會得到一個修復 好、能執行的軟體,除此之外別無所有。有時候,選擇開發者的時候你得有些私心,找個不但會在大限之前完成任務,而且也有旺盛的求知慾的人。

6. 一天到晚怨天尤人


7. 這個世界唯我獨尊

「不照我的方法做就拉倒」,是這群人的座右銘。在他們心中,這是一場他的「點子」與你的「點子」之間、他的解決方案與你的解決方案之間的競爭,不為 整個專案著想。他們會來來回回仔細你植入的程式碼,即使他們運作正常、經過測試、看來完美無缺,仍讓他們覺得芒刺在背。這類傢伙是阻礙生產力的大麻煩,在 壓力來襲時,他們也會是最先落荒而逃的人,就算經驗再怎麼豐富、技術再怎麼厲害,也別輕易嘗試找這些人加入團隊。

8. 不願踏出舒適圈

寫 Java 的 A 開發者一聽到他得寫一段 Python script 就愣住了。B 開發者一聽到設定檔裡某個部分必須改正就慌了。C 開發者一聽到他得在資料庫裡輸入東西就畏縮了。這些人傾向趨吉避凶,不願離開舒適圈。他們有很奇異的迷信,不想接觸系統的某些地方。這個現象尤其容易出現 在菜鳥開發者身上,出色的開發者或快或慢,都會渴望跳出舒適圈,探索陌生的事物。

9. 粗枝大葉


10. 偽裝成駭客的麻煩精

這些人能夠耍些小技倆,「騙過」系統使之運作,沾沾自喜。面對複雜的問題,他們彷彿變個魔術就能解決,但就作者的經驗,10 次有 9 次都只是表面功夫,實則漏洞百出,而且遲早都會當掉,導致後來還要花更多成本處理。

2016年4月26日 星期二

How to Install Bluestacks Without Graphics Card


How to Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card – Bluestacks App Player is a great innovation in the Software field that has impressed millions of worldwide audience and to be honest it really deserves it.It has gained immense popularity and appreciation since its release and most surprisingly this App Player is still in beta testing phase and we can’t even imagine right now how may users will be using Bluestacks App Player in future after its final release and this would certainly be a golden moment for all the developers of Bluestacks as well its users but still there are some users who are not aware about Bluestacks Till date so if you are one of them here below is a short brief description about Bluestacks App Player that will help you get more familiar with Bluestacks.
Also Read :
Bluestacks in simple words is an Android Emulator which basically creates a virtual environment for all the Android Apps and games thereby enabling them to run on Windows PC or MaxOSX thinking the Bluestacks App Player to be an Android Device.BlueStacks App Player lets you run your favorite mobile apps fast and full screen in your browser and on PC or Mac.The Best part of using bluestacks is that it integrates seamlessly with your Windows and all the android apps that you will install in your Bluestacks App Player without facing any issues at all.How to Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card
Though no doubt there are few other similar android emulators are also in the market but trust me Bluestacks App Player is thus far the best as far as your system fully supports it and available absolutely free of cost for lifetime.
Also Read :
I have followed Bluestacks since its release and during this period till now I have received hundreds of mails in regards to the two top most common issues faced by while Using Bluestacks App out of which first one is Requirement of Graphics Card for Installing Bluestacks and second one is requirement of 2GB Memory at least which is not possible to have in every system. I have already discussed some issues related to bluestacks with their proper solution like Graphic Card Error 2500, Runtime download data error etc.Just follow the given guide to learn How to Install Bluestacks without graphics card.
Also Read :

How to Install Bluestacks Without Graphics Card – Steps to Proceed

With regards to Graphics Card Issue while using bluestacks you may face two types of error either the Error during Installation period like BlueStacks currently doesn’t recognize your graphics card. It is possible your Graphics Drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try installing again (If installed from Offline Bluestacks Installer) or Error 25000 BlueStacks currently doesn’t recognize your graphics card. It is possible your Graphics Drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try installing again (If Installed from Bluestacks Split Installer) but don’t worry both of them means the same.
  • After Installing Orca just go to the Bluestacks Offline Installer.msi file and Perform a Right Click on the Installer -> Select Edit with Orca
Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card - 1
  • Go to LaunchCondition > Select “Installed OR PhysicalMemory >=1024” condition > Press Delete > Select OK.
Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card - 2
Note – This will allow you to Install Bluestacks in systems with 1GB of RAM thereby passing the 2GB RAM verification test.
  • Go to InstallExecuteSequence > Click on “CheckMsiSignature> Hit Delete > Click OK
Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card - 3
  • Go to Property > Double click on the TRUE value of GLMODE > Change its value to FALSE > Hit Enter
Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card - 4
  • Click on the Save button icon and that’s it you are all done.
Install Bluestacks without Graphics Card - 5
  • Start Installing Bluestacks again from the saved Bluestacks offline installer and you will no longer face the same error.

2016年3月10日 星期四

top command in batch mode

When issue `top -b -n 1`, console showed the following message:
'dumb': unknown terminal type.
Check if the system is missing "/lib/terminfo/d/dumb" and copy it from another system.
If the error is still occurred, try `ln -s /lib/terminfo/d/dumb /usr/share/terminfo/d/dumb` and see if it helps.

The hexdump result of "dumb" (308 bytes) from Ubuntu system:

000000001A 01 18 00 02 00 01 00 82 00 08 00 64 75 6D 62|............dumb|
000000107C 38 30 2D 63 6F 6C 75 6D 6E 20 64 75 6D 62 20||80-column dumb |
0000002074 74 79 00 00 01 50 00 FF FF 00 00 02 00 FF FF|tty...P.........|
00000030FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 00|................|
00000040FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF|................|
00000120FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 06 00 07 00 0D 00|................|
000001300A 00 0A 00 |....|